Why play this game?

All the nuance, none of the nuisance.

FREE BETA: Character Building PDF

FREE BETA: Mysticism and Magic PDF

FREE BETA: Adventure Design PDF

We want the players to LOVE their characters! And, we want the Game Masters to have an unparalleled level of freedom to create and run adventures with the absolute least amount of effort:

The GM starts getting email around lunch time “Hey, are we playing tonight?” The only reason to answer “No” is a prior commitment, because you can build a full evening of fun in 30 minutes.
You’re welcome!

Think about it: Does your Game Master have new compelling content to share every week when you play? If not, we genuinely believe it’s not their fault! The big-name game industry knows we read their material, and that we don’t actually play it. Contemporary role playing games (RPGs) feel like they are written to be consumed and set upon a shelf…whether or not the games ever get played.

We provide a game that is easy to play…and it’s easy on the Game Master to continually build new scenarios: If you can “think it”, you can play it! We show you “behind the curtain” so you can see how things work. With that knowledge converting any module is simple…and building your own is even easier.

The research indicates that most other role playing games don’t last far beyond 5th level. In our experience, that is primarily because the complexity they add to make them fun to read, ends up making them too unwieldy for longterm coherence and the efficient creation of new original content. That said, for the few that do persevere, most have just a few modules that they recycle and reuse repeatedly (even folks who work in the game design industry! Ask them…or watch their YouTube videos…they’ll tell you!).

We have so many wonderfully talented, imaginative, and brilliant participants in our hobby. We believe they are all impeded by contemporary systems that don’t give them the flexibility and freedom necessary to continuously build whatever they dream up.

There are two diametrically opposed forces in all game design:

Character creation freedom increases scenario design time exponentially.
Game Master freedom exponentially reduces character design freedom.

EVERY moment of our design time is dedicate to balancing these two forces. We have successfully created a framework that does NOT compromise either the needs of the player or the needs of the Game Master.

And did we mention it’s Free? Yep. We will always have a free version available. Always. You will always be able to send a link to players so they can get a free PDF of the player info.

Thank you for your attention!
Have an amazing time!